The Project Development Board comprises a range of internal key stakeholders who have knowledge and understanding that can help successfully shape the project vision for the Mackintosh Building. They have an important role in supporting the Project Sponsor in making decisions and providing both challenge and approval on issues affecting the project. The Project Development Board will be responsible for assisting with business case development, briefing and testing concepts presented by external consultants.
The Project Development Board will also comprise a series of work streams; these groups will have specific activities and outputs that will inform the building design and business cases.
Project Development Board members are asked to think broadly and to bring ideas from outside The Glasgow School of Art to the project as a result of visits, horizon scanning and past experience. Members will also benefit from liaison with and input from the Mackintosh Steering Group.
The Project Development Board will have oversight of the project from Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Stages 0-3. At this stage, the Project Development Board will be reviewed and a Project Delivery Board established.
Penny Macbeth
Director (Convenor and Project Sponsor)
Allan Atlee
Deputy Director (Vice-Convenor and Deputy Project Sponsor)
Eleanor Magennis
Director of Estates (Project Director)
Scott Parsons
Director of Strategy & Marketing
Alan Horn
Development Director
Andrew Menzies
Director of Finance
Gordon McLoughlin
Director of IT
John Ayers
Head of Technical Support
Sally Stewart
Head of School, Mackintosh School of Architecture
Alessandro Marini
Student President
Liz Davidson
Senior Project Manager
Susannah Waters
Archives and Collections Manager
Irene McAra-McWilliam
Deputy Director (Innovation)
Irene Bell
Programme Leader, Innovation School
Justin Carter
Teaching & Learning, School of Fine Art
Alastair Macdonald
Research & Innovation, School of Design
Steve Love
External Engagement, School of Simulation and Visualisation
Eve Mallon
Interim Senior Project Manager as Clerk